Healthy Breasts

I am sorry. I will not wear a pink ribbon. I do not want to have anything to do with Breast Cancer. I refuse to pollute my consciousness with Breast Cancer Awareness. I believe we are not helping to "Save the Tatas" by posting ads everywhere with huge letters that highlight Breast Cancer. We are told there is no cure. I do admit it is a devastating disease. And many courageous women do survive it. I have seen women who have had one breast removed, and were left disfigured, because they did not have the resources to get implants. I also have friends who survived, and reluctantly hold up their new "shields", which protect their emotional scars. My big problem with the whole Breast Cancer Awareness proposition is that the main sponsors behind it all is the medical establishment. The medical establishment which has, for the most part, focused its efforts on its bottom line. Unfortunately, medicine is now a big business in treating symptoms. Mammograms are also big bu...