Happy 71st Birthday Marilyn Rubin

Sometimes in our lives, there are people that show up, unannounced, and change your life forever. Marilyn Rubin changed my life. And without her knowing, the lives of many others. Today she is 71 years young, and I honor her selfless, quiet and dedicated work. She introduced me to yoga. Iyengar Yoga. By accident. When the aerobics teacher didn’t show up at the gym, the owner suggested we try a yoga class. That was November 1995. I had no idea this moment would change the course of my life forever. I had no idea that day would lead me to places I had never been before. Places like my hamstrings, my heartstrings, India, Celestun, and Medellin. Marilyn opened a world of healing for me that I could not imagine possible. And Marilyn inspired me with her humanness. She would come in joyful one day, sad another. She was serious some days, goofy on other days. Over the years, I have learned so much from her, including a life of selfless service. Marilyn has worked as a Yoga Teache...