A sad day in Ft. Lauderdale
I haven't written in a while, but today I must. This morning, as I was driving into Ft. Lauderdale High School to drop off my daughter, I noticed a lot of police officers gathered around the school. Needless to say, it looked like something was up. Then I saw protesters holding signs (mostly very expensive signs, a few hand made) which had different messages. "America is Doomed", "God hates fags", "Israel is doomed", "Fag Xmas" (with two stick figure males in a pornographic posture.) Then I remembered that just last night my friend had sent me a Sun Sentinel article about a Christian group from Kansas that was making their way all around Florida protesting. I wondered why they didn't stay in Kansas and protest there. As I looked at their message of hate, it not only made me sad, but also gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. As a devout Catholic and believer in Jesus, I know that Jesus would not want those who are judging others to be casting the first stone. Jesus taught about unconditional love, tolerance, forgiveness, and compassion. As I watched the spectacle in front of me, I wondered why they had chosen a High School where the majority of the students are black. My impression was that they would be protesting at synagogues, and other places of worship. What are they protesting? That gays shouldn't be gay? Jews are doomed because Jesus won't save them? That Obama is black? Sounds to me that this is a Kuklux Klan disguised as Christians. Why are they so angry? And why did they get to me? Those who are so afraid of someone who is different or who had different ideas only show their own ignorance. Their lack of understanding. One sign read, "Jews killed Jesus". It wasn't Jews. It was ignorance. The lack of consciousness that still breeds hate in people's hearts. What a sad day in Ft. Lauderdale when the start of a promising day displays the ignorance in people's hearts, all the way from Kansas.
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