Sept. 11 and Birthday Thoughts

I arrived as usual on a Tuesday to teach a yoga class at Harbor Towers Condominium in Aventura. I had no idea this day would mark a historic day. The date was Sept. 11, 2001. I noticed two students in their car listening to the news. They told me they'd be in the class in a few minutes, as a plane had crashed into the Twin Towers, and they were trying to talk to their family, as a cousin worked there. I don't know why I thought it was not possible, and maybe they had wrong information. They came in, but warned me that they were leaving their phone on during the yoga class. I normally don;t allow cell phones on in class, but they were distraught and it seemed to be the right thing to do. Everyone else agreed.
I started teaching the class with prayers and blessings to those who may suffer, and for us not to worry until we had more information. The air seemed heavy. Is it selfish for us to be doing yoga when it seems that a tragedy just occurred? Halfway through the class, th...