Sept. 11 and Birthday Thoughts

I arrived as usual on a Tuesday to teach a yoga class at Harbor Towers Condominium in Aventura. I had no idea this day would mark a historic day. The date was Sept. 11, 2001. I noticed two students in their car listening to the news. They told me they'd be in the class in a few minutes, as a plane had crashed into the Twin Towers, and they were trying to talk to their family, as a cousin worked there. I don't know why I thought it was not possible, and maybe they had wrong information. They came in, but warned me that they were leaving their phone on during the yoga class. I normally don;t allow cell phones on in class, but they were distraught and it seemed to be the right thing to do. Everyone else agreed.
I started teaching the class with prayers and blessings to those who may suffer, and for us not to worry until we had more information. The air seemed heavy. Is it selfish for us to be doing yoga when it seems that a tragedy just occurred? Halfway through the class, the cell phone rang. The student announced that a plane had just crashed into the Pentagon. "Oh my God. The Pentagon? This is not good." I thought. Everyone started freaking out. Give us more information. I realized this class could not continue in a regular way. IAfter I calmed everyone, I reaffirmed them. The best thing we can do is stay calm, pray, and not allow ourselves to get stressed. We continued with a few Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) and a few restoratives to calm our nerves. We then took some time to direct our energy into healing and blessings to the unknown. We had no idea. When the class ended, we hugged, and all of us rushed out to find out what was happening.
As soon as I turned the radio on in the car, I was scared, I cried, and I called my husband to tell him I was picking up my kids from school. After all, their school was in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Could we be next? When I picked them up from school, they had a lot of questions. I answered only that they would be safe, and we would be taking care of them. But i really didn't know if that would be true. We went home and prayed the rosary.
The next day, I went to teach my regular yoga class at the Quadomain, my students surprised me in honor of my birthday. I felt like it was not appropriate to be celebrating anything on the eve of this tragedy. But my students, most of them over the age of 70, told me something that I will never forget. Yes Rosa, there are tragedies in this life, but that doesn't mean we must stop living. Your birthday is and should always be a reason to celebrate. And we are blessed to be able to be here, so let's celebrate. With a heavy heart, I did.
Almost ten years later, on Sept. 11, 2010, my dear students, led by Kathy Levi, Margot Ellison, Madeline Mergler and Madeline Yoesting, managed to trick me into believing they were taking me out to lunch at the Aventura Mall for my birthday. On the way there, Madeline Yoesting ''happened to have forgotten her cell phone, which she needed because of some family drama that was going on. We turned around, and I offered to get the phone, thinking Kathy Levi would freak out if we were late, since we were on a tight schedule, since Madeline Mergler needed to go to work. I wonderred why there were so many cars at the studio, but assumed the students from the class were still hanging around, or maybe the Lymphatics place was having a seminar. Upon my opening the door, I saw Peter Cervoni with a camera, and I wondered, ''Why is Peter holding a camera?" It took me a while to realize what was happening. They had surprised me!!!
I started teaching the class with prayers and blessings to those who may suffer, and for us not to worry until we had more information. The air seemed heavy. Is it selfish for us to be doing yoga when it seems that a tragedy just occurred? Halfway through the class, the cell phone rang. The student announced that a plane had just crashed into the Pentagon. "Oh my God. The Pentagon? This is not good." I thought. Everyone started freaking out. Give us more information. I realized this class could not continue in a regular way. IAfter I calmed everyone, I reaffirmed them. The best thing we can do is stay calm, pray, and not allow ourselves to get stressed. We continued with a few Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) and a few restoratives to calm our nerves. We then took some time to direct our energy into healing and blessings to the unknown. We had no idea. When the class ended, we hugged, and all of us rushed out to find out what was happening.
As soon as I turned the radio on in the car, I was scared, I cried, and I called my husband to tell him I was picking up my kids from school. After all, their school was in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Could we be next? When I picked them up from school, they had a lot of questions. I answered only that they would be safe, and we would be taking care of them. But i really didn't know if that would be true. We went home and prayed the rosary.
The next day, I went to teach my regular yoga class at the Quadomain, my students surprised me in honor of my birthday. I felt like it was not appropriate to be celebrating anything on the eve of this tragedy. But my students, most of them over the age of 70, told me something that I will never forget. Yes Rosa, there are tragedies in this life, but that doesn't mean we must stop living. Your birthday is and should always be a reason to celebrate. And we are blessed to be able to be here, so let's celebrate. With a heavy heart, I did.
Almost ten years later, on Sept. 11, 2010, my dear students, led by Kathy Levi, Margot Ellison, Madeline Mergler and Madeline Yoesting, managed to trick me into believing they were taking me out to lunch at the Aventura Mall for my birthday. On the way there, Madeline Yoesting ''happened to have forgotten her cell phone, which she needed because of some family drama that was going on. We turned around, and I offered to get the phone, thinking Kathy Levi would freak out if we were late, since we were on a tight schedule, since Madeline Mergler needed to go to work. I wonderred why there were so many cars at the studio, but assumed the students from the class were still hanging around, or maybe the Lymphatics place was having a seminar. Upon my opening the door, I saw Peter Cervoni with a camera, and I wondered, ''Why is Peter holding a camera?" It took me a while to realize what was happening. They had surprised me!!!
There was a beautiful spread of Pom and Enrique's delectable Thai Food, and in attendance were my students, whom have all become my friends and family. Pom, Enrique Cayeiro, Scarlett Headley with Preston, Shirley Lehman, Mary Rotscher, Gail Del Marco, Donna Brandt, Annie Sturman, Peter Cervoni, Kathy Krain, Mary Epstein, Carol Kovnot, Tatyana Zavatsky with Lauren, Marilyn Rubin, Patricia Cohen with Brownie, Lois Tepper, Irina Starobinsky, Paulo, and evryone else that I am drawing a blank on. And those who were there in spirit, I know who you are. Thank you all for being in my life. I wish you blessings, and love.
In the midst of pain, suffering or tragedy, it is reaffirming to know that living each day with passion and devotion is the nectar to savor each experience to its fullest. We never know how long it will last. Life gives us pain and pleasure, and both are temporary. Not being attached can help us get through each moment.
Live, love, enjoy, feel, experience, forgive, release. Namaste.
This is a beautiful story Rosa.