
Showing posts from 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah

So now even our holidays are practicing yoga. The word yoga, means to unite. So this year, Thanksgiving and Hannukah have come together on the same day. "Thanksgivukkah." As we continue to evolve as a human race, it seems we are having to reinvent our old paradigms. The beauty of our existence, is that we have an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shed that which no longer serves us.  Two beautiful holidays merge, giving us the opportunity to have a different perspective. A new outlook. To gain a new understanding on two holidays that deep down represent freedom. As we gather around the table with our loved ones, let's all come together with the understanding that even though we may have different religions and beliefs, varied tastes and schooling, deep down we are all one. We all have mind chatter. We all cry at the loss of a loved one. We can all agree on the wonder of a new life. We all have a being of light that radiates inside of us. We all have th...

Healthy Breasts

I am sorry. I will not wear a pink ribbon. I do not want to have anything to do with Breast Cancer. I refuse to pollute my consciousness with Breast Cancer Awareness. I believe we are not helping to "Save the Tatas" by posting ads everywhere with huge letters that highlight Breast Cancer. We are told there is no cure. I do admit it is a devastating disease. And many courageous women do survive it. I have seen women who have had one breast removed, and were left disfigured, because they did not have the resources to get implants. I also have friends who survived, and reluctantly hold up their new "shields", which protect their emotional scars. My big problem with the whole Breast Cancer Awareness proposition is that the main sponsors behind it all is the medical establishment. The medical establishment which has, for the most part, focused its efforts on its bottom line. Unfortunately, medicine is now a big business in treating symptoms. Mammograms are also big bu...
Patanjali: Do I Invoke or Do I Not Invoke? A the beginning of most Iyengar Yoga classes, there is a chant that is done in a call and response fashion. What is the purpose of this? I will share with you my thoughts on this subject.  When I was in India, and had the privilege of being in classes taught by BKS Iyengar, his daughter, Geeta, and his son Prashant. All the classes always began with this chant. At the time, I had no idea what the chant meant and what the purpose of it was. All I knew is that I was in India, being taught by the most knowledgeable authorities on  yoga, and I participated in the experience, even though for the most part I was inventing the words. After a few days of chanting the invocation, it became an essential part of my focal direction. My mind knew it was time for yoga, and it was almost like the cells of my body received the announcement that it was time to be in yoga mode. My body and my mind became accustomed to the foreshadowing of ...

April Fool's Joke Turned Social Experiment

PRESS RELEASE April 1, 2013 For Immediate Release Contact: Yogarosa (954) 456-6077 Want to own a Yoga Studio?       Yogarosa is for Sale! Hallandale Beach, FL Since 2002, Founder and Director of Yogarosa, Inc, Rosa Santana has been planting the seeds of Iyengar Yoga. It has grown into an amazing community of yogis and yoginis. After so many years of dedicating herself into this endeavor, Rosa has decided to relocate and spend some time writing, reflecting, practicing, studying, and pursuing other complementary modalities.    Before sharing the news with others, Rosa has decided to give her students first choice in carrying on her legacy. Please contact us at  for details of this wonderful opportunity to own an established Iyengar Yoga Studio with a very positive international and of course, local reputation.   This was the email I sent out on  April Fool's Day. It was an...