Happy Thanksgivukkah
So now even our holidays are practicing yoga. The word yoga, means to unite. So this year, Thanksgiving and Hannukah have come together on the same day. "Thanksgivukkah."
As we continue to evolve as a human race, it seems we are having to reinvent our old paradigms. The beauty of our existence, is that we have an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shed that which no longer serves us.
Two beautiful holidays merge, giving us the opportunity to have a different perspective. A new outlook. To gain a new understanding on two holidays that deep down represent freedom. As we gather around the table with our loved ones, let's all come together with the understanding that even though we may have different religions and beliefs, varied tastes and schooling, deep down we are all one. We all have mind chatter. We all cry at the loss of a loved one. We can all agree on the wonder of a new life. We all have a being of light that radiates inside of us. We all have the capacity to love, as well as the capacity to destroy others. We can be a friend, or not. We can dance, sing, and cry at the same time. We can fall in and out of love, just as easily as we can fall into temptation and fall into regret. We can also have faith, that each day brings a new lesson. And each day, a new opportunity for freedom. And for that, we shall be grateful. Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Hannukah!
May Love and Light fill your home and heart on Hannukah.
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