
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Path of Yoga: Ahimsa

In the ancient treatise, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Sage Patanjali states an eight fold path of yoga, known as astanga yoga. This path begins with social and personal responsibilities. The first limb along the path of yoga is called Yama. Yama in Sanskrit means “taking a vow”. These 5 ethical principles are the basis for living a yogic lifestyle.   They are: Ahimsa, Non violence Satya, Truthfulness Asteya, Non-stealing Bramacharya, self restraint, or celibacy Aparigrahah, Non-hoarding, non attachment Ahimsa is the basis for all other yamas. If we think, act, and behave in such a way that doesn’t harm others, we will tell the truth, we won’t steal, we will not be promiscuous, and we will let go of attachments. Ghandi chose to only practice Ahimsa and Satya, and everything else fell into place.  Practicing Ahimsa can be challenging, because the world around us is a breeding ground for violence. For example, driving during rush hour, everyone is i...