The Path of Yoga: Ahimsa

In the ancient treatise, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Sage Patanjali states an eight fold path of yoga, known as astanga yoga. This path begins with social and personal responsibilities. The first limb along the path of yoga is called Yama. Yama in Sanskrit means “taking a vow”. These 5 ethical principles are the basis for living a yogic lifestyle. 
They are:

Ahimsa, Non violence
Satya, Truthfulness
Asteya, Non-stealing
Bramacharya, self restraint, or celibacy
Aparigrahah, Non-hoarding, non attachment

Ahimsa is the basis for all other yamas. If we think, act, and behave in such a way that doesn’t harm others, we will tell the truth, we won’t steal, we will not be promiscuous, and we will let go of attachments. Ghandi chose to only practice Ahimsa and Satya, and everything else fell into place. 

Practicing Ahimsa can be challenging, because the world around us is a breeding ground for violence. For example, driving during rush hour, everyone is in a hurry to get home. People cut each other off, honk, and act in a harsh way. As intelligent beings that we are, all we have to do (or at least practice) is pay attention to our reactivity. Do we get angry because someone cut us off? Do we in turn go cut them or someone else off? 

What if we changed our way of looking at an uncontrolled driver? I used to get road rage, and angry when someone wouldn’t follow the rules. And what I found was that I created tension in my neck and jaw, my blood pressure went up, and I created anxiety and frenzy in my body. I would arrive at my destination with frazzled nerves. I decided to change my way of thinking. 

When someone looks like they are in a hurry, I now slow down and give them the right of way. I listen to soothing music and sing. I visualize that perhaps they are on their way to the hospital to say goodbye to a dying loved one. Then I pray. I pray that they will get there safely, and I pray for their sorrow to be removed. 

Sometimes I find myself diverting back to by “road ragey” days, and find myself behind the slowest driver in history. That’s my sign that an angel has been placed in front of me to slow me down. I can’t tell you the numerous times this has happened, and a few minutes ahead, there was a major crash. Perhaps if that slow poke hadn’t slowed me down, it could have been me. So now I trust. I let them pass. I slow down, and I pray. I pray that others pains will be lifted, and I pray in gratitude for the angels around me slowing me down. And you know what happens to my nerves? They are soothed. And my neck is soft, and my shoulders are relaxed. And best of all, my heart feels full instead of agitated.

And that is the best way to start the practice of Ahimsa. By practicing non violence to myself. And it seems all the other yamas flow without effort. 

So now it’s your turn. I am certain that life will throw you the perfect opportunity to practice Ahimsa. It may come at work, at home, or at school. It may come expected, or as a surprise. How will you react? And what will be the effect on your body? And most of all, what will be the effect in your heart? Take charge of your own peace. as St. Francis of Assisi taught us, “Make me an instrument of your peace, and let it begin with me.”



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