India: My Mirror

Here I am in India. I am not dreaming. It's real. With its sights and smells, this enchanted land rich with history as well as mystery. Where there is a marked difference between opulence and misery. Land of extremes, with mountain tops covered with snow, and steamy beaches all in one. There are mystic and sacred sites, as well as fancy shopping centers. Ultra spicy food, as well as the sweetest of sweets. Palaces with gold trim, and beggars sleeping with dogs in the street. The latest model BMW driving on the same street that a woman and her children call home. But India is real. With all its shocking problems, India is authentic. It doesn't try to please anyone. Perhaps that is the allure that attracts visitors from all over the world. It's dirty, but it has a soul. Noisy, because it has a lot to say. Complicated, because it has so much to teach us about the human condition. Some escape to India to run away from their reality. Some come to fill themselves with ancien...