Remembering Geetaji

Remembering Geeta Iyengar on the first year anniversary of her passing... My first encounter with Geetaji was at Guruji’s 80th Birthday. It was my first time in India, and actually my first time traveling by myself without my family. I was very much a beginner, and had never heard of her. I had only heard about BKS Iyengar. On the first day, I was in the back of the class, and for those of you that were there, you may remember the venue was put together last minute because of flooding at the original venue. The yoga hall was built beautifully on the grounds of a place named Ambrosia. My mat ended up on an uneven surface caused by the root of a tree. Guruji was teaching Tadasana, and he said something about the foot I didn’t understand, so I stood up on my tippy toes to get a glimpse of the screen, which I could barely see above the tall man’s head in front of me. While I was on my toes, Geeta caught me. I quickly learned that in this place you are being watched ALL th...