Day 3 RIMYI Teachers Programme Pune, India
Day 3 RIMYI Teachers Programme Pune, India
Prashantji AM class
What is the education in the prayer? Education begins right now, if you want to learn. Education is possible even without learning. Someone does not need to be learning to get an education. When you start to settle down for prayers, get your education with great awareness.
How is the breath moving? With Yoga Software, the body and mind come together. Start with your breath in getting prepared moment by moment. Getting educated is more important than learning. If you don’t like the teacher, you won’t learn.
Your awareness of the:
Don’t just be aware of your breath. Your breath also has awareness. Like a “gastroscopy”. A camera goes in revealing everything in you. Everything on the monitor, “alimentic” canal, food pipe, as it goes, you see how everything is working. The breath has a “scopic” head. What interactions are taking place? How do you proceed? You start having a “breathscopy” when we develop the yogi software.
In chanting, you took a specific inhalation to chant, then an exhalation for the oratory act. Exhale for the act of oration. Breath for mind conditions. In/out breath. Breath for so many activities. Better breath connectivity.
We observed the breath in:
Purvottanasana Swastikasana
Adho Mukha Swastikasana
Adho Mukha Virasana (legs together if possible, blanket for abdominal compression or with legs apart for those that should not be compressing.)
AMV is usually done after Sirsasana for the sake of the brain, or it’s done for a catch in the back, or to release back from backbends, for fatigue. Everywhere your constitution is different, your awareness of the breath.
Breath awareness will give you an education about yoga,otherwise you are so much teacher bound. This is not the process of yoga in classical channels.
We did Sirsasana or Janu Sirsasana.
If you look to the teacher, and not your own breath, you miss the bus (when you are so dependent and focused on following the teacher.) When you focus on the teacher, you lose so much on your advertence of the breath. You are more concerned with how you have done, and if you have done (what the teacher is asking).
Breath is the major agency. You will not miss the education. “ It’s no big loss if you miss one of my statements.” When you attention is on what I say, connected to me, that’s important in class, or connected with it (the breath.) Develop that breath of classical yoga, I should not be your teacher. “I am the agent to connect you with the teacher inside you. I am an agent. I’ve never saidIm a yoga role is to give you a hotline to the teacher in you.”
You already have the agency. It’s so natural within you. Find out how this breath connection works.
Why does your state of mind change in forward bends, or backbends? The breath!
We have big limiting factors in our understanding.
We did Breath focus in these poses:
Supta Virasana
Parsva Virasana
-Supra navel
-chest minded
Our embodiment is a book to give us education.
When your mind is inverted, if you do inversions it becomes aligned. If your mind is twisted, and you do twists, mind becomes straighter. The posture does not offer the remedy. The breath has biochemical properties effects that works. It is naive to believe we have physical processes. We are chemical human beings. Being angry, delirious, electrified, crazy, it’s all chemistry. We are chemical omelets. Brain functions are all chemical. Breath awareness will give you the wisdom of yoga.
Guruji did poses no one else could match. A circus girl could perform those poses easily, if you think of physical processes. BKS reached a point because of his chemistry. We all have the potential to improve our own chemical processes.
We laid down prone, then savasana, then Tadasana to observe the different breath conditions.
A corpse can be bending forward, backwards, but there is no physical condition of the breath that works. Circus girl can do better, but the postures are the means. Not doing poses won’t give you self actualization.
In Sirsasana, we can use it to rest, to exercise, when you’re dull, when you’re turbulent, for diarrhea. So many psychodynamics of doing asanas. Chemical compositions I’ll be different spearheaded by associated breath conditions. Your mind is working for whatever I’m saying, but the body is not doing. Your liver is doing it’s own thing. Lungs are not involved. Bladder is uninvolved.they don’t have leadership qualities. But your breath does. Like a queen bee. You don’t need an invite. Queen bee does not say follow me. Bees follow.
Breath awareness is so vital in yoga. You will have your own revelation, even if you can name them, but processes will happen.
We did Swastikasana and tried to do diagonal breath. Then we did it in Bharadvajasana and it was possible.
How much can you mobilize your breath? We should become a breath designer.
Prashant’s switches gears and shows us Raya and Uday. Raya does independent Viparita Dandasana (for a long time!) and Uday does it supported on the backbender. Same pose, one is passive, other activated. This was the genius of Guruji. Independent pose is sustained by arms and legs. There is a laboring to sustain the pose (he did not look labored!) no corporeal force on the bench. Free pose is also held by will. Laboring to sustain. Most of the energies are lost by sustaining the position. The bench version doesn’t need anything to be sustained. All the labor is outsourced by the furniture. Therefore, there can be higher quality functions: “Pensitivity”, “reflectivity”, “meditativity”. On the prop, you learn how to quiet the mind. Can’t ask Raya to use sensitivity of breath. The furniture was not designed for old sick people. It was designed to teach us the feeling of the pose, so then when you do the free version, you try to replicate the experience.
Guruji sometimes would get into a pose without any preparation to understand the plight of the neophytes. 30 minute Viparita Dandasana, or raw (cold) Paschimottanasana.
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