Geetaji’s Saturday Class

Saturday Geeta’s Class

Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana 
Half did Supta Padangusthasana with the belt, the others did
Utthita Hastasana padangusthasana with wall support
We started with the top leg at 90degrees so that we could move the hip down. We were to move the buttocks down and middle buttocks in. Lengthen the sides of the trunk.
Second time set up the hip properly with leg at 90, then raise leg without losing the hip.
Half did Parsva Supta Padangusthasana with belt, the others did
Parsva Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana with wall support 
Start with leg at 90 degrees to acquire proper action of the buttocks.
Second time set up hip at 90, then raise leg without losing the proper actions.

There was a woman doing Parsva Supta Padangusthasana who had a hip replacement. Geetaji had us watch. She was bringing the foot up in line with the shoulder (as many of us have been taught), and she showed us how the pelvis goes wrong. She then had the woman adjust to lower the leg to help her fix the leg into the hip. Geetaji was not happy with our understanding of the poses both standing and supine, and so she clarified what we were to do. She was frustrated that the basic actions of this pose had not been understood, (and then pointed and glared at me that my buttocks were lifting.) She then asked us why we keep coming to her if we are not learning, and that we could all just go to the hell. She then had Abhijata demonstrate what we were all doing in Parsva Supta Padangusthasana (bringing the leg too high towards head, and overturning the side leg.) She clarified, and then we all did it, and apparently a little better, because then she moved on. 

In between her frustration, she always has some wise words to inspire us along our path and to break up our dullness. There was a woman in the class, that did the first poses, and then didn’t feel good because she had diarrhea. Geetaji got very upset and wanted to know why the woman was not practicing the diarrhea sequence from Light on Yoga. She said that’s why Guruji had given. We have to remember that if we are menstruating or not well, we are to inform her (or Abhijata if you are scared of Geeta!) so that the proper program can be given. The woman was crying because she didn’t want to miss Geetaji class. (I heard after that the woman had been having diarrhea for a week, so she really was not well.) Geetaji said that she wasn’t really crying because she was missing her class. Her intestines were talking to her and that’s why she was crying. Our bodies talk to us, but we don’t listen. But we need to learn sensitivity with the asanas and the pranayamas so that we can cultivate better listening of our bodies.

Janu Sirsasana
Trianga Mukha Ekapada Paschimottanasana
Ardha Baddha Parma Paschimottanasana
Marichyasana 1 holding foot

In all the forward bends, Geetaji emphasized the pulling of the foot to go forward, and the pressing down of the straight leg knee. She raised her voice more and more until we did it. 

She emphasized the pressing of the wrists evenly, the lifting of the buttocks, and the lengthening of the inner legs. 

Salamba Sarvangasana
Emphasis was on pressing the shoulders down and lifting the dorsal to lift the chest.

Over and over she repeated to lift the hips and lengthen the trunk and insisted on pressing the shoulders to keep chest open.



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