Um, We All Need to Evacuate...


Prashant’s class today left me feeling what I think are the processes he was speaking about. Our teachers tell us to evacuate our bladder and our colon before practice. That is the obvious evacuation. Defecating purifies and cleanses. Urinating flushes out our system. 

As such, we should also observe what else needs evacuation when we enter the pose. At first, the body is doing and doing to get into the pose. Get into the pose and watch. What do you have to evacuate? In the mind? In the organs, in the breath? As we watch the breath, the exhalation helps us to evacuate. So exhale further and further. In Savasana, he had us flush out and wash the brain, as the brain is fed so much information all the time. And further and further like mouthwash, we cleansed and purified, until everything disappeared. When he said to come out, I didn’t want to. And as I sat up, I felt refreshed and quiet. 

Please understand that this is just a summary of the many gems Prashant presented, as I understood and interpreted them through my own impure perspective. 

Side note: in discussing the class with speakers of other languages, we all agreed that our minds are all full of...crap. In any language that saying is there. So how funny that Prashant would use the example of defecating, and even talked about how good we feel afterwards. So.... time to evacuate our minds of you know what... 


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